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Giving the working class a fighting chance.

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There are ten things
which do not serve working people:


1. Individual control of the means of production without transparent mathematic process to determine value of labor as decided by the effected communities and consumers through public control of prices

2. Arbitrary impediment of worker mobility

3. The rent system, when there are 7 houses per homeless person

4. Infinite growth cycles in terms of business

5. Hyper centralization of population without sustainable means to ensuring importation is not a necessity

6. Unwieldy representation and delegation models

7. The privatization of prisons

8. The privatization and centralization of necessity including information and education

9. The coercion of employed labor for necessities

10. The hegemony of imperialism


Visit the Get Involved section to learn more about the issues.

“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.”

― Assata Shakur

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